Walk to the cross

My Complaint Against God

In my anger one day I took God to court and filed a complaint against Him. My complaint was an accusation of God being unfair and unfaithful to me.

(By Dr. Charles Burton, edited by Dr. Brent Kelly)

Life can have some defining moments. Let me tell you a story.

In my anger one day I took God to court and filed a complaint against Him. My complaint was an accusation of God being unfair and unfaithful to me. The prosecutor in the court was an individual named Lucifer. He had me swear that I would tell the truth, the whole and nothing but the truth so me God. Lucifer said to me; tell the court the specifics of your complaint against God.

I stated it was my position that the triune God had been unfair and unfaithful to me. Specifically, God had been unfair in His dealings with me. He had not granted the requests I made. Plus, I was not happy. I continued: “God had been unfaithful to me in that I felt He had abandoned me at my darkest hour and weakest point.

After testifying I sat down at the plaintiff’s table I looked over at God as He sat at the defendant’s table. He leaned forward and looking past His attorney He spoke to me: “Charles I need to talk to you.” His attorney said to Him you should not talk to him because anything you say can be used against you in court. God replied “I’m not worried about him. Even though he has a PhD; he is not as intelligent or smart as I am. He doesn’t know as much as I do and I don’t have a PhD from any university. Yet I am more intelligent and smarter than he is. After all I am omniscient.

God then spoke to me: “Charles you may have a point I may not be fair. But I am unfair with everybody. Because I let it rain on the just and the unjust. I bless whomever I choose to bless and I curse whomever I choose to curse. I heal whomever I choose to heal and I do not heal whomever I choose not to. Yes, I might be unfair. But let me remind you of something, I am sovereign. I can do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do it, to whom ever I want to do it; and I don’t need your authorization, input, or permission. You didn’t create me, I created you. Let me remind you of something after all —- I am God.

Let me ask you a question Charles—-where were you when I came from the outer regions of nowhere and stepped on to the abyss of nothing looked around and said “I think they’ll make the world”. And I spoke let there be and there was. Worlds came leaping forth like sparks from a blacksmith’s anvil. Where were you when I created this world? Where were you when I took my finger and carved out the spaces on the Earth? Where were you when I spit, and watered the oceans, the rivers and the seas? Where were you when I sprinkled the inky blackness of space with stars? Where were you when I set the planets in their elliptical orbits? Where were you when I took dirt from the earth and created man and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life? Where were you?

Charles, excuse me but let me say it again —- I am God. Charles I am not some God—-I am God. I am not some Chief God among all gods. I am God. I am not a god; I am God. I have no assistant. I have no counterpart. I have no equal. I have no rival. I have no superior. I am God—-all by myself—-Yes I am!

You also accuse me of being of being unfaithful. That simply is not true. I may be unfair but I am not unfaithful. Now don’t get it twisted. Let me remind you of some things. You see, I was with you while you were in your mother’s womb. I was with you, as you struggled to make your entrance into time. I have been with you all through your childhood. I was with you all through your adolescence. I was with you all through your teenage years. I was with you all through your adult hood. I have been with you all through your married life. I was with you every time you with sick. I was with you every time you had a problem. I was with you every time you were broke and could not see your way through. I was with you all through your ministry. So you see I have not been unfaithful, perhaps unfair—- Yes. Unfaithful —- No.

Charles I want you to know I am really getting sick of your mess. You speak without knowledge. You speak without understanding. You speak without thinking. You speak without looking at all of the evidence. You speak before you think. The truth of the matter is you really need to withdraw your complaint!

Let me say it again and let me be perfectly clear. I may be unfair, but I am unfair with everyone. But I categorically, and unapologetically and vehemently deny being unfaithful. I am God.

Now, don’t you ever, ever, ever, never, never, never, never; ever, ever, ever, ever forget that”. Just trust me I know the plans I have for you and your life.

God spoke again to me and said: “You see —- I know you do not understand my divine language. But trust me. I know you do not fully appreciate my ways. But trust me. I know you speak without knowledge. But trust me. I know you do not fully comprehend my thoughts. But trust me. I know you cannot see beyond you existential present. But trust me. I know what your anthropological treatise is. “I am the center of my universe and everything else evolves around me. Thus, my being is the ultimate form of existence”. But trust me. That is not accurate. I know your geographical location is planet earth which is the third planet from the sun and located in the outward spiral of the Milky Way galaxy. But Trust me. I know your ideological position is “Come hell or high water I am going to do things my way.” But trust me. That is not the best idea. I know your medical diagnosis is, “I may have some medical problems but all I have to do is eat right and I will alleviate any and all medical problems.” But trust me. That is not altogether true.

I am a heart fixer. I am The One that heals you. I know your philosophical proposition is “cogito ergo sum”—-“I think therefore I am. But trust me”. That is not so. I know your sociological solution is you are not affected by any other social outcomes. But trust me. That is not accurate. I know your psychological perspective is “I am the keeper of my mind.” But trust me. That is not true. I am a mind regulator. I know what your theological tenet is, “If it is to be it is up to me, as I am the Captain of my soul and the Master of my fate.” But trust me!” That is not true at all. But trust me. Trust me! Trust me! Trust me!

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