Blaze bound

Not just a game, but a ministry: The story of The Wisconsin Blaze

“What if we used a scripture verse in super tiny print as the border for our logo?” “Like the signature line of a personal check… it’s not actually a line you know!” “It’s very tiny print that reads, ‘Authorized Signature’ over and over.” “Here, let me show what I’m talking about.” I grabbed the iPad out of Lisa’s, my business partner, hand as our feet soaked deliciously in the warm, lavender waters of our massaging pedicure chairs.

“What if we used a scripture verse in super tiny print as the border for our logo?” “Like the signature line of a personal check… it’s not actually a line you know!” “It’s very tiny print that reads, ‘Authorized Signature’ over and over.”  “Here, let me show what I’m talking about.”  I grabbed the iPad out of Lisa’s, my business partner, hand as our feet soaked deliciously in the warm, lavender waters of our massaging pedicure chairs. I pulled up the screen with our logo on it and as I started tracing the outside of the logo with my finger, I recited the first scripture verse that came to mind to give Lisa the illustrated example of the logo for our newly founded AAU Women’s Basketball League named the Wisconsin Blaze TM.  “For I have not given you a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind.”  Lisa rips the iPad out of my hands telling me how much she loves that verse and begins looking up the scriptures reference.  I continue my explanation of the fabulous idea I’ve just come up with when suddenly Lisa grabs my arm with a death grip!  I stopped and turn to look at her quickly seeing only the look of absolute shock and awe in her huge brown eyes. She asks, “Do you know what the verse prior to the one you’ve quoted says?” I answer, “Ummm, no?” “Shelli, it says, ‘Keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you.  For I have not given you a spirit of fear but one of…..’.”

Silence befalls us as we sit knowing that the Lord God has just confirmed to us the plan that He laid before us before we began our journey together. The same God who spoke creation into being, the same God who even now is answering prayers and moving among His people on the other side of the earth. The same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from the Old Testament times and the God of time of Revelation just spoke to us.  Us.

Esnpire365, LLC is a parent company to the Wisconsin Blaze along with several other ventures such as, Enspire Ministries, Enspire Coaching, Enspire Gear and Enspire Radio.

To date, Esnpire Radio is up and running through and we broadcast inspirational music with future plans to broadcast our Sports Ministry.  Enspire Ministries has completed its first outreach leading worship and preaching for a Women’s Retreat in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Enspire Gear is in development and will offer a variety of sportswear and gear for athletes of all ages and all sports. The Wisconsin Blaze started out with our vision to coach two teams has now exploded to four 5 on 5 teams and one 3 on 3 team, reaching young women from 5th thru 8th grades for the 2014 season. We currently have 40 young ladies that are part of the Blaze family and their supportive and loving parents makes our team a family!

Many have asked, “What separates you, the Blaze, from any other AAU basketball team?”  The answer is simple really. We are a Christ centered, Elite basketball program that focuses on each athlete individually, carefully considering her future with us and with the sport. We encourage our athletes to play other sports and to find friendship across the team lines. We are ‘Training Champions for Life’ and raising Godly women and future business leaders on and off the court.

Notwithstanding setbacks, unreturned phone calls, naysayers and disbelievers we have seen God’s hand and blessing throughout every step in this startup business and we can’t wait to see where God will take us in the future and who He will reach through Esnpire365, LLC.

Lisa Van Wyk – President and Founder
Shelli Menke – Executive Vice President

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