American football players

By the Numbers

Sports are all about the “numbers”. “It’s a game of inches”, ERA’s, PAT’s, TD’s, HR’s, and about a million other acronyms that represent numbers.

Sports are all about the “numbers”. “It’s a game of inches”, ERA’s, PAT’s, TD’s, HR’s, and about a million other acronyms that represent numbers. Of course the main numbers floating around sports are the ones with a dollar sign before them. Here is a breakdown of some of those numbers.

A Basketball in my hands is worth $6, in the hands of LeBron James $109 Million
A football in my hands is worth $8, in the hands of Aaron Rodgers $122 Million
A baseball bat in my hands is worth $30, in the hands of Alex Rodriguez $275 Mill.
A steering wheel in my hands is worth $25, in the hands of Jeff Gordon $49 Mill.
A tennis racket in my hands $35, Roger Federer $47 Mil
A golf club in my hands is worth $15, in the hands of Tiger Woods $150 Mill.
A set of nails in my hand are worth .13 cents, in the hands of Jesus. . .Priceless.
The name of Jesus on the lips of a person who doesn’t believe or have faith. . . weak.
The name of Jesus from the lips of a believer who has sold out to Jesus. . .

  • Mountains will bow down,
  • Seas will roar
  • Marriages will be restored
  • Illnesses healed
  • Comfort to the hurting
  • Strength to the weak
  • Riches are given to the poor
  • Fractured relationships are mended
  • Churches are grown
  • People are saved
  • Nations are awakened spiritually
  • Revival happens!!!

A full bank account will not help you in heaven if your faith account is empty. Proverbs 22:2 Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all.

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