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7 Daily Exercises

Just as physical growth demands physical exercise, spiritual growth as a Christian demands spiritual exercise. Here are seven daily exercises to build spiritual muscle;

Just as physical growth demands physical exercise, spiritual growth as a Christian demands spiritual exercise.  Here are seven daily exercises to build spiritual muscle;

  1. Daily Die to Self“ I die every day…in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – 1Cor 15:31 –  Yield complete control of your life to Jesus everyday.
  2. Daily Obedience to Christ “Then He said to them all; ‘ If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23  – Every day, commit yourself to obeying God and His Word.
  3. Daily Bible Reading“…they…examined the Scriptures every day…”- Acts 17:11 – Spend time every day reading God’s Word.
  4. Daily Prayer“…give us today our daily bread.” – Matthew 6:11 – Devote time every day to talking to God in prayer.
  5. Daily Fellowship“…enourage one another daily…” – Hebrews 3:13 – Seek regular fellowship with other Christians.
  6. Daily Witnessing“Day after day…they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the goodnews that Jesus is the Christ.” – Acts 5:42 Tell others about Jesus Christ every day through your words and actions.
  7. Daily Praise“Seven times a day I praise you.” – Psalm 119:164 – Praise every day for who He is and what He has done.

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