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Week 4 – Setting a good example by being a leader

This season we’ve been talking a lot about honor and what it means to honor those around us. One great way to honor others is by being a leader and setting a good example.

Romans 12:10

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Week 4 – Setting a good example by being a leader

1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”

Practical Application

This season we’ve been talking a lot about honor and what it means to honor those around us. One great way to honor others is by being a leader and setting a good example. What does it mean to be a leader and set a good example? It means to be someone that other people can look up to. In sports, there are many ways to be a leader. For example, being a leader and setting a good example is about more than just scoring points or winning all your games. Being a leader means that you honor others by how you treat them. Good leaders honor their teammates, coaches, opponents and referees by treating them with respect. In sports, good leaders do whatever it takes to help their team. Sometimes this even means putting others above themselves. When we put others above ourselves for the good of the team, we are showing our teammates honor.

Think about someone you look up to. What is it about them that stands out as a leader? Do they set a good example for others to follow?

Spiritual Application

The best way to set a good example for others is to follow God’s Word in the Bible. 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” Think about this verse in the context of playing sports. God wants us to set a good example for our teammates because He knows this will help us become a good leader and honor others above ourselves. Remember our key verse for this season is Romans 12:10, “Honor one another above yourselves.” That’s exactly what setting a good example and being a leader is all about…thinking about others! You might not think of yourself as a leader but I can tell you that you are a leader. A leader is a person who encourages others by being a good example, doing the right thing, and by helping others. If you can do that, you can be a great leader!


Think about the following question. What kind of example are you setting for others on your team? Your challenge is to demonstrate leadership by encouraging someone during your next practice or game.

To review the other ‘Sports Devotionals’ – CLICK HERE

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